9 Dec 2019

Meet the top 10 of Peru exports and imports in 2109

Peru is a country with a very solid and prosperous international trade that represents 46.8% of its gross domestic product. Is also a member of the World Trade Organization, so they have a lucrative exchange with different countries

28 Nov 2019

India: A firm Latin American business partner

India in 2018 positioned itself as the seventh largest economy in the world, currently, it is the third country according to gross domestic product by purchasing parity and is the second with the largest population. But the

16 Sep 2019

How to make Indian imports and exports grow?

India has shown significant growth in the world’s economy, leaving France aside to take the sixth place. It has increased its imports and exports by 7.7% from the first half of 2018 and with even greater growth for the last period 

14213 SW 116th Terrace Miami, FL 33186 (305)-6024433

Paula Castaño
Sales manager.
+(57) 310 2917442

Pablo Castaño
General Manager
+(57) 3188538664