Foreign trade: why and how to acquire valuable information from the markets?

If you manage or lead a company, whether large or small and no matter where you are, we are sure that at some point it will coincide with terms such as foreign trade, exports, imports, currencies , among others that can become of great impact and cause confusion the first time they are heard.

For that reason, we wanted to answer one of the main questions and that is being the first step to getting involved in this international world full of different opportunities for our businesses:

What is foreign trade?

If we go to the technicalities, foreign trade is nothing more than an economic practice based on the purchase, sale or exchange of products and/or services obtaining as reward money or currency for the country.

Many economists may consider this task as beneficial for the markets since it allows companies of different sizes and magnitudes to operate in a competitive and global environment, obtaining suppliers from different parts of the world as well as potential clients.

Photo from the web site: Our world in data

In the same way, Our World in Data, a platform that is responsible for supplying and centralizing all the information that is defining (or redefining) the trends in our world, has carried out an analysis that shows the increase foreign trade has had during the last centuries, increasing 4,000 times more than since its inception.

Who has benefited from this environment?

Easy, nowadays, almost all industries are managing an international market and the benefits are incredible!

When exporting you will be able to:

  1. Make your business profitable by finding a variety of offers that increase your production capacity.
  2. Create (or expand) a customer/supplier database.
  3. Increase the turnover of your company.
  4. To have a lower economic dependence according to the behaviour of the market, since it will be able to develop new activities in different environments.
  5. Develop an economy on a larger scale.
  6. Generate products with a longer life than average because when entering mature and sophisticated markets you will know new technologies and procedures.
  7. Become a true competition within your national environment.
  8. Be in constant growth thanks to globalization.

So, we can say that foreign trade is only a step towards the business projection that you have in mind.

Specifically, World Finance has defined different sectors that have become the promise of the future in international trade and are: renewable energy as its price makes it affordable and accessible to different companies and countries, cybersecurity due to the increase it has had the crime rate on the internet (reaching 4.7 million in 2017); In addition, this sector ensures that by 2023, thanks to the high demand it is having, it will be able to reach a value of $ 165.2 billion! Likewise, biotechnology, virtual reality and artificial intelligence are not far behind …

Understood, but where is that information?

It is not only a matter of having in our possession the necessary information about how the market is moving or what the different companies are doing, but about being able to understand and analyze it for our benefit. That is, having the information without being able to do something with it is like having a piece of meat but not knowing how to cook it.

We do not want that to be the case of your business, for that reason, we bring to you a tool that can help you locate in one place, according to the classifications you choose, all the valuable and correct information (besides being almost in real time) about your market (including potential customers and competitors) through a report so that it is much easier for you to generate innovative and more dynamic strategies that boost it abroad.

Remember that, nowadays, foreign trade has changed the way the economy is perceived, and maintains a growth boom, so why be one of the companies that stays in its comfort zone when it may be conquering new lands. 

In case you want to be one of the people who take advantage of the state of international markets to boost the economy of your business and sustainability in your region, you can try our platform here:

14213 SW 116th Terrace Miami, FL 33186 (305)-6024433

Paula Castaño
Sales manager.
+(57) 310 2917442

Pablo Castaño
General Manager
+(57) 3188538664